St. John Vianney School brings students closer to Christ through comprehensive formation in an authentically Catholic environment.
Striving for academic excellence and providing a flexible structure for learning, teachers will meet each child’s’ needs on an individual basis.
Each child is unique and must assume the responsibility of his/her own learning, in doing so, they will develop a positive self-image.
The instruction provided to the SJV student will be centered on our Eucharistic Lord, rooted in Catholic tradition and Scripture and based on living out the virtues as well as the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
In order to incorporate a comprehensive approach, the educational environment will contain a core curriculum focused around academic, character and faith formation with an ultimate value placed on charitable service and evangelization.
From the moment our students walk through our doors, they become part of our legacy as we journey together throughout the years.
Demonstrates a sense of Catholic awareness through prayerful, spiritual, and moral behavior.
Lives daily by the Ten Commandments and Precepts of the Church
Fulfills the great two commandments: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind... you shall love your neighbor as yourself".
Understands the responsibility we all have as Catholics to spread the faith and build up Christ’s Church.
Offers time and help to those in need without being asked.
Has developed the ability to listen carefully.
Treats all people with dignity by being accepting of other people without being judgmental.
Treats all people with dignity by being accepting of other people without being judgmental.
Boards & Committees
School Board
If you are interested in becoming a member for our school board, please join us in our monthly meetings. Contact Mrs. Reith, principal, reith@sjvsonline.org or call the school office for more information.
The special events committee will coordinate 1 event per year.
Parent Ambassadors
The Parent Ambassadors help with the recruitment of families into our school. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BECOMING PART OF THIS GROUP, PLEASE CONTACT LETICIA ISAIS @ ISAIS@SJVSONLINE.ORG
PEACE organizes fun events during our school year.